In a business landscape where the need for digital corporate training is growing exponentially, the main concern remains figuring out how to train your employees without squandering the budget. Ergo, learning how to manage investments.

Let’s start right away by saying that this post will not appeal much to companies that are in the business of creating e-learning courses. ?
- Because it is an invitation – addressed to Learning & Development Managers – to create within their own organization a team capable of effectively, consistently, and scalably producing a large quantity of e-learning courses, without continually turning to external figures.
- It’s an invitation to invest in developing the digital skills required of modern Training Managers and Corporate Training Specialists, so that they are able to independently create engaging and modern e-learning courses (possibly micro-learning and mobile content ?). The goal is to concretely support business objectives and respond quickly to the training needs of the organization.
So how can we go about it?
Constantly turning “outside” to implement our e-learning courses seems seemingly the best solution, the right choice to make. But we would like to point out a few details…
Long lead times, complex development processes, and high implementation costs are just a few things to consider. In fact, a key aspect to keep in mind is the importance of developing the digital skills of the Training Department. This is only possible if you choose to also create your courses “in house” and do so on an ongoing basis.
When analyzing the modern business scenario, there is an inescapable need to develop internally in organizations the skills required by the Digital Transformation – at every level and business function. Marketing, Sales, Human Resources… in every corporate Department there is a need to learn new skills. This also applies to the Training Department.

By constantly outsourcing the implementation of one’s e-learning courses, one determines a scenario in which the awareness and need to develop new skills will never emerge strongly. And this “false belief” is very risky nowadays for every company, as well as for every individual.
4 tips for creating e-learning courses while saving the corporate budget:
- Define what training content should be tailored and what training needs can be addressed egregiously with a ready-to-use e-learning course catalog.
- Select a comprehensive, modern and constantly updated online courses catalog to effectively address the corporate, professional and personal training needs of employees (possibly micro-learning courses and usable anytime and anywhere – to concretely graft training into the flow of work).
- Identify the authoring tool that can help Training Managers easily create a large amount of e-learning courses in a short time; update them in even less time; and implement them so that they are accessible from mobile, tablets, PCs.
- Invest in training Training Managers and Learning Specialists to enable them to acquire the skills required to create modern, effective and responsive online courses.

In conclusion
Therefore, a balance is needed between “outsourcing” the creation of courses, creating them “in house,” and using a catalog of e-learning courses. A balance situation that will help keep the flame of learning burning in your Training Department and save the budget available for Corporate Training. ?
Until next time!
#neverstoplearning ?